The Battle Horse
The combined strength of the hero and his horse inspires the spirit that drives us to become our partners’ greatest advantage.
We Believe
1. Victory Belongs To The Lord
Everything at Battle Horse Financial is built on Biblical principles, for we believe that human effort can only get us so far. While our faith is in the Lord, we will not neglect our duty to be prepared and work hard. As we do our part, we trust He will do what we can’t.

“The horse is prepared
for the day of battle,
but the victory
belongs to the LORD.”
Proverbs 21:31
2. Partnership is Powerful
We recognize that alone you can only go so far, but through partnership, you can go further, go faster, and achieve more. Through partnership, efforts are multiplied and goals achieved. We look for all opportunities to support those around us.

We are praying
for your success!
Our greatest desire is that you find success in every area that matters to you, and we have a team of people who pray for our team and every one of our customers. If you would like to share a specific personal or business need confidentially with our prayer team, praying for God’s blessing in that area of your life would be an honor.
3. Serving is our honor
We put the needs of others at the focus of our work. We look for ways to elevate and lift those around us higher. Anything that we can do to push people further is our greatest honor.

Do more
Last year with our partners, we invested a portion of our revenue in cancer research, provided scholarships to first-generation college students, and created access to fresh water in African villages.